Welcome to Discord Battle 4!

What is Discord Battle?

Discord Battle is a little event where you choose a side on a head-to-head topic and
complete challenges to help your team win and potentially earn prizes!

Read on for more information!

For this Discord Battle, you'll need to pick a side.

Are you Team Summer or Team Winter?

Make your choice using the link below.

Once you choose a team, you can't change it later!
Choosing a team will contribute 200 points towards your team's score.
Earn more points for your team by completing challenges!

Discord Battle 4 will end on July 25th at 11:59 PM Central!

How do I participate?

  1. Sign up using the Discord Battle Form Hub.

  2. Complete challenges and submit proof via the Discord Battle Form Hub to earn points for your team.

You'll earn a prize based on your ranking within your team. Details on those prizes can be found below.

Changes Present in Discord Battle 4

 Updated Challenges and Challenge Categories

All challenges have been assigned one of three categories: Out & About, Multi Media, and Games
In addition, a new cooperative group challenge has been introduced: The Step It Up Challenge!

Some of you had some interesting ideas you left in surveys...it's time to put those to good use!
If your suggestion was used, it'll be noted in the Special Thanks & Credits section.

 More Time!

"Yeah, I've got time."
Discord Battle will now last an entire month! (was ~20 days)

 Changes to Prize Distribution

Only those who are in the top 5 positions on the winning team and on the losing team will earn prizes.
In addition to being in a qualifying position, you'll need to clear at least 6 challenges (Main + Bonus Objective count as 2 clears).
Your ranking is based on the number of points you've contributed by completing challenges and earning Bingo Bonuses.
The distribution of prizes are shown in the below table.

The prize pool has also been increased thanks to generous contributions from: urmom_69 and maths!

Prize Distribution
Winning Team Losing Team
1st Place $20 $15
2nd Place $15 $10
3rd Place $15 $10
4th Place $10 $5
5th Place $5 $5

In order to be eligible to recieve a prize, you need to have at least 6 challenge clears.
Completing a challenge's Main Objective and Bonus Objective counts as two clears.

 Changes to Earning Points

- The "Team Points Adjustment" featured in the last Battle has been removed.
- Choosing a team now earns you 200 points (up from 30).
- The Bingo Bonus can only be claimed twice (was 3 times) for 100 points each (was 100/50/50).
- The minimum amount of points a challenge can give is now 30 (was 10).

Additional Info & FAQ

 What's in it for me?
  1. The top five players of the winning team and losing team (if they meet the eligibility rule of having at least 6 clears) will recieve a prize!
    You can choose how to receive your prize in one or more ways:

  2. Rep your team with an event exclusive Discord role!
 Can I contribute to the prize pool?

Absolutely! Send me a direct message on Discord (merio#0007) so we can discuss what will be given and how to distribute your contribution.
Additions to the prize pool will be announced when the details are finalized.

 How do I earn points?

There are three ways to earn points: by choosing a team, by completing challenges, and by earning Bingo Bonuses.

  1. Choosing a Team: By choosing a team, you'll earn 200 points for your team.

  2. Completing Challenges: Complete challenges on your Challenge Card and submit proof to the Challenge Submission Form to earn points! Each challenge comes with a Main Objective and a Bonus Objective that you can complete. Main Objectives can give 30, 40, or 50 points and Bonus Objectives give an additional 20 points.
    NOTE: Filling out the entire board does NOT grant an additional bonus.

  3. Bingo Bonuses: By completing a line of Main Objectives on your Challenge Card in any direction (up/down, left/right, or diagonally), you'll earn a Bingo Bonus! Each Bingo Bonus gives you 100 bonus points. This bonus can only be claimed a maximum of two times. You do not need to complete a challenge's Bonus Objective to have a line qualify for a Bingo Bonus.
 How often will score updates occur?

Scores will be updated daily in the Current Score tab.
An update is guaranteed to occur every day at 7:00 PM Central. (8 PM Eastern / 5 PM Pacific)
Score updates may also happen infrequently outside the guaranteed update throughout the event.
The final score update will occur on July 26th at 9:00 PM Central.

 How do I mark a square on my Challenge Card as completed?

You'll need to submit proof by using the Discord Battle Form Hub link found here.
It's strongly recommended that you read the Challenge List section on the Challenges page thoroughly so you know what you need to submit beforehand.

 What aspects of my submission will be made public?

Most aspects of your submission will be made public at the end of the event in the Submission Summary document.
If your submission contains information that you'd rather not widely share, make note of it so that the information can be removed from the rest of your submission data.

 Can I use one submission to mark multiple squares at once?

Yes. Try to make sure you clearly note what challenges you're submitting for in your submission!

 When is the challenge submission deadline?

The deadline for submitting proof of completed challenges is 11:59 PM Central on July 25th. (12:59 AM Eastern / 9:59 PM Pacific)
Submissions made past this time are not valid.

 My challenge submission was rejected! Am I in trouble?

In short, no.
When your submission is rejected you'll recieve a message detailing why it was rejected and what to include for resubmission.
Remember to read the Challenge List section beforehand on the Challenges page so you don't run into this issue!

 My challenge submission was rejected "with penalty"! Am I in trouble?

Yes, and you're gonna get what's coming to you.
On a serious note, I don't expect there to be fake or falsified submissions.
However, if one raises suspicion and it turns out to be 100% fake or falsified, your submission will be rejected with a penalty.

 How will the Challenge Champs be determined?

The Challenge Champ title will be awarded based on what player earned the most points on each team.
Complete as many challenges as you can and earn Bingo Bonuses in order to come out on top!

 What if there's a tie for Challenge Champ?

The player who achieved the score that the tied players are tied at first will break the tie.
This means you must get more points than the player in the lead.
Only in the event that multiple players are tied at the maximum score (1750) will all tied players will earn the title.

 What if there's a tie for 2nd - 5th place?

The tiebreaker rules in the last question also apply. You must overtake a player's position ⁠— you cannot tie with them.
In addition, if there are players tied at 200 point, the points you get by only picking a team and not doing challenges, no prizes will be awarded to those tied players.
Unclaimed prizes will be banked and moved to the next Discord Battle's prize pool.

 When will I know who the Challenge Champs are?

The Challenge Champs will be revealed along with the final score update on July 26th at 9:00 PM Central.

 What happens if both teams are tied for points at the end of the event?

For the love of God, please don't do this to me.
The chances that this will occur will be extremely small. If it does somehow happen, both teams will win. Don't count on this happening though.

 Can I complete challenges before declaring what team I want to be on?

No, in order to recieve credit for completed challenges you must select what team you want to be on first.
Challenges you complete during the event period but before declaring what team you want to be on are not valid.

 I've got another question or concern that isn't listed here.

Send me a message through Discord (@merio#0007) and I'll respond to it!

Special Thanks & Credits

 urmom_69  dippindotz  chrisblammo  maths  Post-event survey responders from Discord Battle 1-3